Global Resource, Inc. invests in mines and concentration facilities of gold, platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium, vanadium, antimony tantalum and molybdenum. If you are seeking capitalization for mine expansion for equipment, expanded labor for or to produce a more highly concentrated product, feel free to contact us. We also purchase directly mines and ores of these same minerals. We work to ensure that mining activities worldwide are expanded in an eco-friendly manner. CONTACT Global Resource, Inc. today for more information on how we can help your mining operations grow.
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Global Resource, Inc. is committed to protecting the environment whilst contributing to the economic development of the countries in which we operate. All of the Company stakeholders, including employees, the local communities, and others have a right to expect the company to take a responsible and environmentally sustainable approach to our activities. To meet this expectation, the Company will: Comply with and where possible exceed the requirements of relevant legislation and other legal obligations for which we are accountable.
Identify environmental impacts in all business planning exercises and implement appropriate controls to minimize the associated business risks.
Make sufficient resources available to meet our environmental objectives, including effective and sustainable closure upon completion of activities.
Develop, implement and continually improve environmental management systems to ensure that environmental processes are integrated into all business units within the organization.
Ensure all employees and contractors understand their individual environmental management responsibilities and increase their knowledge through ongoing environmental education and training. Contribute to the protection of biodiversity in our areas of operation.
Communicate honestly and consult openly on our activities with all relevant stakeholders to ensure transparency with respect to environmental performance.
Maintain a high degree of emergency preparedness to effectively respond and recover from any environmental incident.
Put effective controls in place to prevent the pollution of groundwater, surface waters, soil and air and to minimize impacts on fauna and vegetation.
Ensure suitable waste management practices are achieved through established reduction, re use, recycling and correct waste disposal strategies.
Introduce initiatives to reduce water and power consumption in order to preserve our natural resources and minimize our Greenhouse Gas emissions.
Implement effective systems to address the environmental risks of transporting, storing, handling and disposal of hazardous materials.
Monitor environmental performance through audits, workplace inspections and environmental sample analysis to identify issues and opportunities for continual improvement.
Community Relations Policy
Global Resource, Inc. and its subsidiaries (the “Company”) is a successful gold mining, development and exploration company with key projects in West Africa. We continue to expand our gold resources through rapid exploration of existing tenements and the acquisition of potential new projects.
The Company acknowledges that our future is dependent on our ability to add value by sustainably developing, operating and closing operations to the satisfaction of our stakeholders. We are committed to fostering enduring relationships and partnerships with the communities in which we operate and to support community development, capacity building and social infrastructure improvement.
To meet this expectation, the Company will:
Ensure all employees and contractors recognize and respect the value of cultural heritage and cultural diversity.
Maintain continuous dialogue with local communities to ensure the early identification and mutual understanding of potential issues.
Establish long-term, trusting relationships with communities based on honest and open communication and consultation.
Approach and resolve community issues in a consistent manner to ensure fair and equitable resolutions are achieved.
Provide employment and skills training to the communities in which we operate as a priority.
Support the development and implementation of sustainable social and economic initiatives through community cooperation and participation.
Promote local business opportunities that deliver lasting benefits to the community.
Comply with, as a minimum, all legal and other social requirements for which we are accountable.
Develop and implement management systems to effectively identify, assess, control and review the impact our operations have on the communities in which we operate.
Occupational Health & Safety Policy
Global Resource, Inc. and its subsidiaries (the “Company”) is a successful gold mining, development and exploration company with key projects in West Africa. We continue to expand our gold resources through rapid exploration of existing tenements and the acquisition of potential new projects.
The Company acknowledges that people are its greatest asset and as such is committed to achieving a high level of occupational health and safety performance. We accept that all employees, associated contractors, visitors and the communities in which we operate have a right to expect prudent and responsible occupational health and safety performance from our activities.
To meet this expectation, the Company will: Provide a workplace that is conducive to effectively managing occupational health and safety.
Fulfil, as a minimum, all statutory health and safety and other requirements including employer “duty of care” obligations.
Seek to continually improve our occupational health and safety performance by utilizing available technology, knowledge and management practices.
Identify health and safety hazards and implement related risk controls to ultimately eliminate workplace injury/illness across the organization.
Develop, implement and continually improve health and safety management systems to ensure that safe work practices are integrated into all business units within the organization.
Educate, develop and endeavor that all employees and contractors have the appropriate skills and knowledge, understand their obligations and are held accountable for their area of responsibility.
Make sufficient resources available to meet our occupational health and safety objectives.
Review, audit and evaluate the health and safety performance of company operations and seek opportunities for enhancement.
Provide safety leadership to effectively communicate and consult on safety issues with all stakeholders.
Maintain a high degree of emergency preparedness to effectively respond and recover from any health and safety incident. Implement effective systems to address the health and safety risks of transporting, storing, handling and disposal of hazardous materials. CONTACT Global Resource, Inc. today Contact Us for more information on how we can help your mining operations grow.
Global Resource, Inc. maintains strict Anti-Money Laundering, Conflict-Free & Anti-Bribery policies for all projects we participate in within any capacity. We also seek to operate within the high standards of the ITSCI for any projects in the region. For more info, or to obtain a copy of any of these policies, please contact us.Contact Us